
HRC Europe / About HRC / Quality

Load-bearing quality - our responsibility

The reinforcement products HRC produces are not simple construction aids, but structural, load-bearing parts of a building, a bridge, or a tunnel. These products are part of the entire reinforcement - and consequently need to perform accordingly. The safety of the structure may depend on them.

To assure that reinforcement products fulfil their function, they need to be specified, manufactured, and used in the right way.

As a manufacturer, HRC is committed to our responsibility in this context. Our quality assurance is here to make sure that HRC products are produced with tight tolerances and the right performance – as specified and expected by our customers.

HRCs product- and system certifications testify our effort.

Reliable and cost-effective

To HRC, quality does not only mean high performance, but that our products are suited for use under site conditions - easy to handle and fast to install. The result are improved working conditions on site and the possibility of reduced construction time.

HRCs customer communication ensures correct delivery, on time and with the necessary documentation.

Customer driven

HRCs certified quality system and our long experience enables us to:

  • Create value for our customers
  • Be a reliable project partner.
  • Lead the market with cost-efficient, ultimate quality products